Counter Culture
The Bible shows that Jesus has called all of His followers, including us, to be His disciples. Jesus teaches in His word that a true disciple:
· Abides in the word (John 8:31-32)
- God’s word abides in us.
· Loves one another (John 13:34-35)
-Disciples share life together as His Church body.
· Bears much fruit (John 15:8)
-Multiplication of disciples becomes our mission.
The purpose of our student ministry is to disciple students with the Word. By the time our students graduate from high school, our hope is that they have a solid foundation in the Bible, know who God is and who He has called them to be. We desire to help our students establish relationships with others in the church who will encourage them to grow spiritually even after they leave the student ministry.
Wednesday night—The purpose for this night is to teach students how to read the Word for themselves. We believe knowing how to abide in the Word, not just reading, but thinking and meditating on the Word of God so that they may grow closer to Him, is extremely important for their spiritual growth. We do this by teaching who God says He is in the Scriptures and how He is calling these teenagers to live as Christ followers.
Sunday night—Our small groups exist to give our students a chance to talk with one another and adult leaders about what they have read in the Word. These groups also provide an opportunity to open up with one another about struggles and pray for one another as they walk with Christ. Our end goal is to provide a group for kids to grow extremely close sharing life with one another even after they leave youth and begin to tackle new chapters in life.
Our motto is that “Christ is the difference” and our students learn just how He makes the difference in our lives by reading, abiding, and sharing His Word with others.
Please contact the church office.